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Revised Statement of Principles under the Gambling Act (2005)- Have your say

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The newly revised Statement of Principles sets out how the council will exercise its functions under the Gambling Act (2005).We ask for your views and comments on the latest revised draft version of  the Statement of Principles.

The council is required, by law, to review and republish this Statement every three years and part of the review process is to circulate the revised document for consultation prior to it being adopted and published as the new Statement. 

What is the purpose
What we found out

On 25 September 2018, as part of the formal consultation on the proposed revisions, the draft Statement of Principles was circulated to a number of individuals and bodies, including in the gambling industry, together with a covering letter which outlined the changes proposed to the current Statement. A copy of that covering letter is attached at Appendix 1. In addition to the proposed changes to the document and as separate and distinct from the Statement of Principles, the letter also sets out the Administration’s proposal to look to begin a dialogue with interested parties around any perceived and actual public health harms in associated with gambling in the borough with a view to collating specific data on the effects, or indeed lack thereof, for residents. As will be seen, some respondents to the consultation voiced support for this initiative

What difference has it made?

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